Last year, we were joined by individual member, Christopher Burns. He has taken on our volunteer role of Artist in Residence, documenting our discussions and developing creative approaches to our activism.

“The year has been one of discovery and achievements. In many people’s eyes disability is still seen as not human and it won’t be easy to change minds which haven’t had direct experience of diversity. In imagination though hope is never lost”

Christopher Burns.

For more regular updates and to see more of Chris’ artwork- follow him on Twitter!

Chris Burns for Inside Housing

Blogs by Chris Burns

Having Choices- A blog by Christopher Burns

Having Choices- A blog by Christopher Burns

Having a career, a choice how to make a living, a choice on how to contribute to society. A good maj…

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What London needs to hear- Christopher Burns

What London needs to hear- Christopher Burns

London will be told Cornwall is lovely and blue. It won’t be told that the Minor Injury unit i…

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#LearningDisabilityWeek2023 Chris Burns

#LearningDisabilityWeek2023 Chris Burns

Last year I did a blog for Aple to mark learning disability week and I spoke about the achievements …

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Care Crisis- Chris Burns

Is the care crisis being cemented by hostility towards those who need care and support? Unfortunatel…

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What exclusion really means- Chris Burns

What exclusion really means- Chris Burns

Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for the film I made with Inside Housing. I know it has been share…

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