The APLE Collective are part of a national movement that occurs every year on October 17th, known as the International Day to End Poverty.

Our #LightUpTheUKMap campaign.

The APLE Collective’s groundbreaking “Light Up The UK Map” campaign, aims to showcase the incredible efforts being made to tackle poverty and commemorate the International Day to End Poverty 2023 (IDEP). This initiative boldly brings together individuals with lived experiences during IDEP, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear. Through the power of an interactive map, this campaign vividly illustrates the extent of solidarity and hard work taking place nationwide. Don’t miss out on discovering the awe-inspiring events happening near you!

The History of IDEP by Eva Carrillo Roas

#IDEP2023 Blog Posts

loudspeaker on top of wooden stool

The Politics of Taking Action on Poverty- Katy Goldstraw writes for #IDEP2023.

The views expressed in this blog post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of APLE as a collective. The 17th of October is United Nations International Day to End Poverty. It is a…

Culture Wars- Brian Scott writes for #IDEP2023

Culture Wars- Brian Scott writes for #IDEP2023

The views expressed in this blog post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of APLE as a collective. (I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This) It is a period of fear…

Taking voice seriously- The value of voice.

This briefing paper is APLE Collective’s shared knowledge reflecting our commitment to taking lived experience voices seriously.

Addressing poverty with lived experience means valuing the power of voice, listening, taking action and making change together. Taking Voice Seriously is key to addressing epistemic justice. Taking Voice Seriously builds on the work of APLE Collective, which has demonstrated the participatory imperative behind lived experience activism.


International Day to End Poverty

The observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty can be traced back to 17 October 1987. The commemoration of this day reflects the willingness of people living in poverty to use their expertise to contribute to the eradication of poverty.

People of all backgrounds gather every year on the 17th of October to renew their commitment and show solidarity.

For October 17th, 2023, we want to continue to ‘Light up the UK map’ showcasing all of the amazing activities taking place for #IDEP2023.

In September, we had an arts-based #IDEP2023 planning session in Cornwall, kindly facilitated by our artist-in-residence Chris Burns, who inspired members to create campaign collages.

Photos from our APLE gathering at Frimhurst Family House in June, preparing for #IDEP2023!