Poverty Truth Community Member- Brian Scott #IDEP2020

Hello, let me tell you something about myself.  My name is Brian Scott, I’m a father to two eating machines known as teenage boys.  I’m an ex-nurse, having been medically discharged after an accident I had at work, which has meant I’m now on benefits. I’m also an anti-poverty activist and I volunteer with the Poverty Truth Community (PTC) in Glasgow.  I’ve been with them for the past 3-4 years.  Volunteering with the PTC has Read more…

Thriving Teesside- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Special Edition book launch.

To coincide with #IDEP2020, Thrive Teesside have released a special edition version of their book, Thriving Teesside. Thriving Teesside is a collection of stories, poetry, photography and more from a wide range of intellectual, creative and skilled members of Teesside, one of the most deprived areas of the UK. The first book was inspired by community members feeling demonised and ignored, not valued by a wider society, wanting to show their range of skills and Read more…

What does poverty mean to me?- By Phil Parkes #IDEP2020 (Expert Citizens)

I think for myself growing up in a supposed impoverished part of an impoverished town and coming from a very working class family who lived week to week it just felt like that was life. My parents never let me go without and yes most of the time I wore non branded clothes or if I was lucky enough to wear branded stuff it was a hand me down but I never felt like I Read more…

The voices of lived experience- Hartlepool Action Lab #IDEP2020

What does it mean to hear the voices of lived experience and why should we listen? Covid-19 has introduced a lot of people to some new terms which are becoming commonplace in the boardrooms of Britain. Terms such as the new normal and build back better are quickly being recited amongst the spectrum of agencies, organisations and services up and down the country. However, there remain a lot of issues which are not new but Read more…

Addressing Poverty with Lived Experience- Artur and Aida’s Story (ATD Fourth World)

ATD Fourth World UK members Artur and Aida have written a blog post in collaboration with Sound Delivery and the APLE Collective, discussing the effects of COVID-19 on their life and family, and the importance of Marcus Rashford’s campaign. “Suddenly they stopped everything. Our kids had extra learning for maths and English twice a week. They were busy with it. Football, sea cadets. Suddenly our son cannot play football with his friends. Our daughter who Read more…

A refreshing meeting – Building a relationship with the North of Tyne Combined Authority

COVID-19 has amplified and exposed the impact of digital disconnection throughout our low income communities and as such, we at the APLE Collective (Addressing Poverty with Lived Experience) are calling for the Metro Mayors and the Government to listen to us and take action to address this issue. Combined Authorities through devolving powers are created in areas where there are considered likely to improve transport, economic development and regeneration. The core purpose of a Combined Authority Read more…

The APLE Collective participate in the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on Universal Credit

Amplifying the voice of people living in poverty is key in order to raise awareness of and effectively address the issues faced in low income communities. Not wanting to be left out of mainstream debates that have the potential to affect long term, sustainable change, the voice of lived experience of poverty continually seeks opportunities to influence and give meaning to the subject matter at hand.  “It would be good if we didn’t have to Read more…

Black Lives Matter- APLE Collective

As a national collective of people with lived experience of poverty and organisations which support them, we stand together with others to acknowledge that racism is here in the UK and raise our voices to say, it is not acceptable to believe that some human beings are worth less than others.  We stand against racism in any form.  Understanding a problem from the outside, speaking on behalf of others – without the reality and wisdom of Read more…

woman having a video call

A Personal Reflection on The digital divide and how it affects us all (Expert Citizens)

I was asked to write about my thoughts on digital exclusion and you would think I would immediately think of all the lockdown stuff and how so many people are being left out of this whole ‘new normal’ world. Instead my first thoughts were more aligned to how much this has always been a major problem than needed addressing. For years it has been expected that everyone on Universal Credit, people that sometimes struggle to Read more…

grayscale photography of crying woman

Digital Exclusion: Feeling Anxious, Under Pressure, and Bored- ATD Fourth World

Under lockdown, most people are using the internet more than ever before. For those who cannot afford the devices and wifi that could connect them, the digital divide feels wider than ever. The BBC notes that only 47 per cent of people on a low income have broadband internet at home. Both the BBC and The Guardian credit the APLE Collective for its advocacy on this issue. To read more: